Puppy Preschool Puppy Training

Step off on the right paw 

Puppy Preschool puppy training is the best way for your new puppy to learn how to socialise and be part of the family. After five weeks of puppy training, your puppy will be able to sit, drop, stay, come and roll over on command. They’ll learn to interact well with other puppies, and how to walk on a lead.

Owners learn even more than their puppies. Our experienced puppy trainer guides you through everything you need to know about puppy-hood. We look at everything from toilet training tips, balancing your pup’s diet with good nutrition to dealing with biting and barking.

We do it differently:

At Fletcher Vet, we offer the gold-standard of care for your family’s new addition.

5-Week Course

Our extended course allows your puppy to gain more confidence and socialisation with their peers. Our week-1 class is our information session, educating you on raising a puppy and how they best learn. This allows the following 4 weeks to purely focus on training and socialising.


Positive-Reinforcment Training

We use the positive reinforcement technique of training, rewarding your dog for good behaviour, and ignoring unwanted behaviours. This reward-based technique is universally recognised as the best for building positive relationships, and seeing great results in your dog’s training.

Basic Commands

We teach an array of useful commands throughout our course, including sit, stay, come-when-called, leave-it, drop, roll-over, walking on a lead, take-a-bow, spin, and shake! The training tools you learn at the class, can then be used to teach your dog any action you wish.

Mat-Training with Indie-Boho Mats

As well as our skills listed above, mat training is taught at our class – a wonderful and useful tool to use at home. Similar to crate training, it allows puppies to find their safe-space in their home. With our puppy class, a beautiful Indie Boho dog mat is included in your course fee (worth $60), for use in the class. Choose your desired pattern from their range, and bring your mat with you each night. Our trainers will perform mat-training with your pup, to encourage them to sit and stay on their mat when asked. 

Exceptional, Skilled Trainers

Jackie has been running puppy school for over a decade, with a vast knowledge on the training of puppies during the crucial imprinting phase. She is so passionate about puppies and the puppy-hood journey, bringing immense experience to her puppy classes, with lots of fun and engagement. 

Fresh Chicken for Reward-Based Training

We use fresh BBQ chicken as our treats throughout the class. This is all included with your class fee each week. We find this top-notch reward is enticing for even the fussiest of our puppies to learn with. If your dog has a chicken allergy, please let our trainers know and we can source another treat for them.

20% off Indie Boho Products

Indie Boho make beautiful pet care accessories, including dog beds, travel mats, towels and more. When your pup comes to Puppy Preschool at Fletcher Vet, you will receive 20% off any Indie Boho product during the course of their 5-week enrolment. See our complete range at our Wallsend Village clinic.

Who is Puppy Preschool Puppy Training for?

Puppy Preschool is ideal for anyone who has a new puppy. Maybe you’ve had a puppy before and are experienced dealing with puppy behaviours. If you’re a brand new first time pet owner, puppy training is a valuable, enjoyable bonding experience for you both.

Your pup must have received their first vaccinations to be eligible to attend.

Book your place in Puppy Preschool

Classes are held at our Wallsend vet clinic over a consecutive five-week period on weeknights from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Puppies between 8 to 16 weeks are welcome to join. If you have a large breed of dog, book sooner rather than later so your puppy is not too big. A large puppy of 14 weeks may be refused a place in the class so we can keep the group accessible for puppies of all sizes.

Bookings are essential and class sizes are strictly limited. Cost is $40 per week for the course, paid up-front. Join us on-site at our clinic.